1000 Voces

This ongoing micro-series by Pelikan Pictures and the Peruvian audiovisual collective EmpoderArte celebrates the diversity of Peru through short video portraits. A cinematic memory and mosaic of little dreams.

Creative Producer: Karoline Pelikan
Directors (so far): Iñakapalla Chávez, Karoline Pelikan, Carmen Vásquez, Susy Castro

A heartfelt thank you to the lovely people we have the privilege of portraying.

Find all our stories here: www.empoderarte-cine.com/1000-voces

#1 Francisco: “In life, you have to be resourceful.”
#2 Sandra: “My heart beats football, football, football.”
#3 Mario: “Music is my life.”
#4 Alberto: “We are a people of artists”.
#5 Erika: “There isn’t only one way to teach history.”


Conexión: Huachuma


October 1st